
Change in ticket prices from 2024
14th of December of 2023
The Administration of the Monastery of São Vicente de Fora announces that the ticket prices will change from 2nd of January of 2024.

Changes WYD'23
24th of July of 2023
During WYD’23 (from 1 to 6 August), in the context of the Youth Festival, the Monastery of São Vicente de Fora will have a diversified program, hosting several events inside. It is possible to check the Festival activities here
For this reason, the visit to the space itself will undergo some changes in several aspects that we will mention:
Covid19 Preventions | New visit conditions
18th of May of 2020
The safety of both visitors and our team is extremely important and, in this sense, we inform you that we will follow all the guidelines of the Direcção-Geral da Saúde and will respect all public health and hygiene standards.

Challenge | "Revive the Monastery"
17th of April of 2020
In this period that are a lot of people closed at home, we invite you to share with us old memories of the monastery.